Independent Pension & Investment Specialists

Hemisphere Financial Ltd's aim is to deliver a personal and comprehensive financial service to our clients in the areas of pensions, investments and general insurance.
As apart of our response to the current climate we have now launched our new on-line video conferencing review process. This allows us to continue to provide our market leading advice without putting your and our advisors at risk.
Hemisphere Financial Ltd will
Provide an effective and managed process that delivers a progressive wealth building solution to clients.
We aim to treat all clients fairly and professionally whilst providing information in a format that is easily understood by all.
Provide clients with prompt on-going access to their adviser throughout each calendar year
Enable time to devote regular attention to market research and news impacting investments and pensions
Personal Touch
We have a small number of client's per adviser because this ensures we can provide a really good service and build relationships with our clients that span many years.
We look after our clients' interests as well as their money
Hemisphere Financial Ltd provides financial advice for clients without undue restrictions on Size of funds- we believe in treating all clients fairly.
We like to keep in regular contact with our clients.
The advice we provide is highly bespoke, adapted accordingly as our client’s circumstances change. We view dealings with our clients as a long term relationship, and so our advice needs to change as their lives change.